

Infracore: Empowering Software Companies Through IT Services

Documentation, Consolidation, Security Design, Product Optimization

Infracore helps software company and their DevOps team with environment map, performance improvement, and preparation for product refactor in 12 months

The construction software industry was abuzz with whispers. A once-promising SaaS company had hit a major snag. The CEO’s abrupt departure sent shockwaves through the organization, followed by a concerning exodus of key developers. The remaining team, led by a newly appointed interim executive team and head of software development, found themselves staring down a daunting challenge: an unfamiliar Azure infrastructure.

Uncertainty clouded their path forward. The application’s performance was sluggish, hindering user experience and potentially stalling growth. Recurring infrastructure costs threatened to become a financial drain, and the specter of unidentified security gaps loomed large. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the team reached out to Infracore, a beacon of hope in a stormy sea. Their mission was three-fold: to streamline the application for optimal performance, identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses within the Azure infrastructure, and fortify any weaknesses that could expose the company to security risks. Only by gaining a deep understanding of their existing foundation and implementing strategic improvements could they hope to navigate the turbulent waters, rebuild stability, and propel the company back onto a path of success.

  • Discover all Azure components supporting the SaaS application.
  • Detect active Azure infrastructure components under excessive load.
  • Identify underutilized and abandoned infrastructure components (“cruft”).
  • Spot opportunities for optimizing infrastructure to cut costs.
  • Comprehend and document system interdependencies.
  • Document the flow of data within the system.
Business Needs and Challenges:

Application Data Flow and Connectivity Diagram:

Infracore meticulously charted the flow of data, tracing its path from the front-end firewall through the load balancer and web server tiers to the back-end database and ancillary infrastructure. This comprehensive visualization empowered the new DevOps team to grasp the logical data flows within the application and their intricate dependencies.

Infrastructure Diagram:

Infracore generated detailed network and infrastructure diagrams delineating Azure components such as virtual machines, network gateways, VPN gateways, and storage accounts. This resource enabled the new DevOps team to swiftly familiarize themselves with the current infrastructure state and establish a foundational baseline for future enhancements.

Security Posture Assessment and Improvement Plan:

Leveraging insights from the application data flow analysis, Infracore conducted a thorough evaluation of the Azure infrastructure’s security posture. Subsequently, recommendations were provided to fortify the infrastructure against potential intrusions, enhancing overall security resilience.

Cost Optimization Recommendations:

Infracore conducted a comprehensive review of the existing infrastructure, offering tailored recommendations to optimize costs. For actively utilized and appropriately sized systems, options such as purchasing Azure Reserved Instances were proposed to mitigate per-hour expenses. In cases of orphaned or abandoned resources, suggestions included deletion or release to minimize recurring monthly costs.

Infrastructure Migration Plan and Implementation:

In scenarios necessitating infrastructure right-sizing, Infracore devised meticulous migration plans. Notably, this involved transitioning the primary database server to a more suitable infrastructure type. Infracore collaborated closely with the development team to ensure a seamless cutover to the new system, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.


Infracore’s engagement proved instrumental in navigating a particularly demanding period for the client. By project’s end:

  1. The interim executive team and new development team gained a comprehensive understanding of the systems and infrastructure they inherited.
  2. Performance issues that had led to customer dissatisfaction with the application were successfully addressed.
  3. Recurring costs associated with supporting the application were slashed by 30%, and security vulnerabilities were effectively remediated.

These achievements culminated in the establishment of a robust foundation for the incoming CEO, providing a stable platform upon which to envision and construct the next iteration of their application.

End Results: